Thursday, July 10, 2008

RFKC 2008

Once again, I have had the privilege of participating in our local Royal Family Kids' Camp. This camp is dedicated to providing positive memories for children who have been abused or neglected.   I always find that I learn so much from when I volunteer at this camp.  I have the great opportunity to work with Children's workers, Sue & Carolyn of Carpenter's Cross Ministries where I learn many things I can use when I substitute teach at our Sunday School.  But even more so, I learn about the hurt of these children who have lost the right to see and be with their parents through no fault of their own.  From a first pass conversation with these children, you would not realize the mental and physical trauma they have experienced at such a young age (the campers range from ages 6-11).  It's not until you spend a little more time with them that the pain comes out.  Their hopes that some how things might work out such that they can be with their parents again.  Their learning that their parents parental rights have been severed and they will never see their parents again.  Their prayers that God will look out for their real father or mother.

Also written on their faces and embedded in their smiles is the joy they are experiencing at camp.  They had the ability to participate in a talent show, where everyone gets cheers and applause.  They are able to ride on a sailboat & ski boat.  The list of activities goes on, riding the zip line, archery crafts and much more.  Although camp brings some fun, support and encouragement to the campers, it only last one week.  But we can take heart that there is an advocate for these children that can do so much more than we can do.  We read in the scriptures:


But you, O God, do see trouble and grief;
       you consider it to take it in hand.
       The victim commits himself to you;
       you are the helper of the fatherless.

                                                                                       Psalm 10:14

If you'd like, you can learn more about Royal Family Kids' Camp by visiting the RFKC blog and web site.

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